Elgin Fitness i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaElgin Fitness



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200, Cooper Street, K2P 0G1, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-233-5849
internet side: elginfitness.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4184694, Longitude: -75.6905082

kommentar 5

  • Danielle Fournier

    Danielle Fournier


    Best gym in the area! Small but very friendly atmosphere, and has all the equipment you need.

  • tom sabela

    tom sabela


    Family run. Well equipped. Friendly casual atmosphere. At the front desk, Freckles, the owners Springer Spaniel is available for consultation. Conveniently located blocks from City Hall and the Elgin St. Courthouses

  • Kevin Gust

    Kevin Gust


    Very small gym. However, it has nearly all the equipment that one would need. It is missing some machines that most other large gyms have but for the most part if you can use free weights you'll be able to get in a good workout. Free yoga as well, have to check the schedule for times.

  • Len Johnson

    Len Johnson


    Nice quiet workout spot with friendly staff. Decent selection of equipment with no wait times most of the time.

  • Eric Saumure

    Eric Saumure


    Great equipment! Awesome staff! Been a member for a few months now. Got a new Zumba class going now. Heard its lots of fun. Small gym that you can feel comfortable in and not be intimidated. Would recommend.

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