Downtown Plumbing i Ottawa

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CanadaDowntown Plumbing



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325, Dalhousie Street, K1N 7G2, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-227-9393
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Latitude: 45.4287282, Longitude: -75.6906573

kommentar 2

  • Patrick Despatie

    Patrick Despatie


    Great worker nice to deal with

  • en

    Cynthia Massimiliano


    If this isn't Luc Myre Plumbing, please disregard this review. If this is Luc Myre Plumbing, here's my review: This "plumber" was recommended to us because his specialty is apparently "older buildings". He replaced old pipes, and he installed the bathtub, good enough job. He installed the toilet. TERRIBLE! He installed the toilet on the wrong pipe!!! An old and open abandoned pipe that we had no clue was even there, so not sure how he found it! If his specialty is older buildings, he should definitely know what to expect or be ready to expect things that weren't necessarily up to today's codes and standards. He failed. Within one week, the ceiling and walls in three units were a complete disaster as they increasingly filled with what was flushed from the toilet. When we asked him to take a look to assess the leak and subsequently fix it, he cancelled the appointment 3 times. His excuses were lame. He either forgot the appointment or had an emergency. We waited for him for over 3 weeks, at which point we were left with no choice but to hire another plumber, pay emergency fees as well as repair fees. We only have the one toilet and because we didn't know exactly what the leak was, we still kept using it. What a mess!!! Emergency fees, repair fees, cleaning fees, and then more repair fees (walls and ceiling to be patched in three units of the building) added up to quite a bit of money that was not in our renos budget! When we asked if he could help with the cost, after all, he should have insurance to cover these types of mistakes, he first blamed us, because we didn't tell him about the second pipe - but how were we to know? We aren't the professional plumbers!!! Then, he chose to completely ignore us. 6 months later, I am still waiting to hear back from him. If he mans up and agrees to cover at least half of the repair cost, I will retract this review.

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