Cundell Plumbing & Heating Ltd i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaCundell Plumbing & Heating Ltd



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328, Gardner Street, K1L 7V7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-744-1133
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4324306, Longitude: -75.6654382

kommentar 5

  • en

    Steve Kemp


    Handles commercial plumbing very well. Knowledgeable and nice

  • Tara Comerford

    Tara Comerford


    Great fast service. Came out right away this morning and fixed my issues. I would recommend this company 100%.

  • Luigi Bonacci

    Luigi Bonacci


    Excellent service. Called them at 7:30am and they showed up around 10:30am. Very polite and knew what he was diagnosing. We had a toilet that was leaking through the front of the bowl and we thought it could have been the seal. He came in and changed the seal and tubing within about an hour. Also showed us how to check to see if it was a crack in the bowl and what would be the next steps. Since they came there are no more leaks. Definitely recommend if you need service. Reasonable fees comparing to other companies.

  • en

    Y. Valentine


    Work was done quickly and efficiently. Plumbers were very courteous and cleaned up after the work was done. Priced very fair. If I have any other plumbing problems I wouldn't hesitate to call. Would highly recommend.

  • en

    Yvan Bédard


    We are very pleased with the services of Cundell Plumbing. They provided plumbing and tile installation services for a large renovation project that included two new bathrooms, a laundry area and a full kitchen, spanning three months from March to May 2014. Joanne quoted in detail on all aspects of each job based on our specs, they added their professional recommendations, and the work crews delivered on schedule and on budget. They were very approachable, on time, worked clean, and helped us with advice at every step. The tile setter communicated well with the plumbing and labour team, and it was a pleasure dealing with a single contractor. Invoicing was based on 100% satisfaction, and only after each phase was complete. As an unexpected bonus, they offered their company discounts for purchases of tiles and plumbing fixtures, which also simplified the process for us, because they brought those materials with them at the time of installation. While there are always small adjustments and surprises on every project, it was a pleasure to deal with an understanding, professional team when problems arose. Pricing was not excessive and we considered it fair. We highly recommend this competent supplier!

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