Concept Aquariums i Calgary

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CanadaConcept Aquariums



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1313, 44 Avenue Northeast, T2E 6L5, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 403-230-7831
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Latitude: 51.0913835, Longitude: -114.0314593

kommentar 5

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    Great prices on dry goods and livestock

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    akwa agrochem


    The best place to buy a real quality Flowerhorn and Arowana’s. I got my SRD with them in 2inches and his KOK, looks like a C$2 coin in his head. A good start for my lucky fish! 😊 Thanks guys

  • J L

    J L


    Most of the staff are great, especially Wayne. There is one guy though that kinda ruins it, and seems out of place, he is this tall ugly guy who never smiles, looks like he's staring you down in there, and makes you feel uneasy; IMHO equivalent of a male medusa. We call him the scowler (he has a huge crease between his eyebrows from constantly scowling, you'll know when you see him for sure), he's also a rude to speak to, and lies about products. Please put this guy in the back to do some work, where nobody has to deal with him, or get someone who can smile, and not scare the staff away please.

  • Angela Stathousi

    Angela Stathousi


    This is the best place and service ever! They have everything and very generously went above and beyond to meet my personalized needs! 'm so happy I'm never going to another fish store! I absolutely recommend!

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    Katie Windt


    Amazing experience! The staff were extremely helpful and friendly. They answered all my questions and gave me great advice on both my freshwater and marine tanks. Their prices are great too. Thanks for the fantastic customer service, I'll definitely be going back!

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