Bow Habitat Station i Calgary

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CanadaBow Habitat Station



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1440, 17A Street Southeast, T2G 4T9, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 403-297-6561
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Latitude: 51.0420766, Longitude: -114.0175104

kommentar 5

  • en

    Steven Diep


    Located in downtown just off of 17th, it was our first time at the Bow Habitat Station. We took our kids here on the based on the family friendly reviews. It definitely did not disappoint, a hidden gem in Calgary. There is an aquarium of fresh water fish found in Alberta in the basement and the exhibition on the main floor. In the exhibition area, you learn everything from water conservation to sustainable fishing and fishing habitats in Alberta. What we noticed was, how clean and well maintain the Bow Habitat Station was, it looked brand new. Our kids absolutely enjoyed it despite the hatchery being closed for the renovations. We can't wait to come back when the snow finally melts because the have a fishing pond in front for the kids. Definitely worth the visit when you are looking for something to do with the family.

  • Carina K

    Carina K


    This place was surprisingly awesome. It was fun and engaging for the 3 and 6 year olds while still containing enough information to keep my interest. I learned quite a lot about native Alberta fish (we have way more than I thought). Although the fish tanks that grow fingerlings to stock ponds are currently under renovation, it was also cool to read about that process. Neat little gift shop with some unique items worth spending your money on.

  • en

    Rachel Prichard


    Excellent educational tool for adults and children alike. Very interesting exhibits about use of water and how to keep it clean and reduce our use. Also a fish hatchery used to replenish Alberta lakes.

  • Katy Emanuel

    Katy Emanuel


    Cute little museum and great for young children. Story time is lots of fun for young children as well.

  • Julie W

    Julie W


    Cute place - indoor exhibits aren't huge, but the staff is super friendly and our 6 month old loves the aquariums downstairs!

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