Black Knight Inn i Red Deer

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CanadaBlack Knight Inn



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2929, 50 Avenue, T4R 1H1, Red Deer, Division No. 8, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 403-343-6666
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.247222, Longitude: -113.812401

kommentar 5

  • Stephanie Brassard

    Stephanie Brassard


    Room was clean and super affordable. The pool and hot tub were great for relaxing. Shannon was AMAZING!!!! She was super helpful from beginning to end and even found my bathing suit for me that I had forgotten in the room and shipped it back to me since I live out of town. Absolutely recommend this place.

  • en

    Michael Glynn


    At first because we booked through expedia they had a hard time getting our room... after a little time they got us our correct room and compensated us with 2 free drinks and $30 worth of coupons for breakfast for just making us wait 30 minutes... the bar/lounge at the hotel was great... room was nice... everything went well during our two night stay.

  • en

    Cherelle Bundziak


    Went to the Black Knight Inn for the Valentine's Day Masquerade Ball. The ballroom was beautifully decorated. It was the perfect space for such a great event. The drunk service was great. The bartenders were sociable and easy to talk to. I've gone to other functions elsewhere where the bartenders were unkind and unpleasant. The bartenders at the Black Knight Inn were amazing. The catered dinner was delicious. The wait staff couldn't have been more helpful and prompt. When we asked for more bread for the table it was delivered quickly. The empty plates were taken away as soon as we were done. Overall, the food service was impeccable. The DJ was also fantastic. He played everything he was asked to play. He had the dance floor packed the whole evening.

  • en

    Phill Bing


    I visit here often for lunch. The steak sandwich is excellent and a great value. Servers are friendly and efficient. Meals come quick. Buffet is also very good with a large selection of salads. One of my favorite places to eat in town.

  • en

    Justin Stannard


    Went for the dinner theater. The food was amazing, and the desserts were even better. The wait staff were very friendly and efficient. The tickets were very fairly priced as were the drinks. The show was awesome! All the cast seemed very at home and comfortable which made the show flow very well. There were many hilarious parts that had the room laughing as a whole. If you haven't been to a dinner theatre I highly recommend it. They are most likely not what you think!

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