Baymont Inn & Suites i Red Deer

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaBaymont Inn & Suites



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4311, 49 Avenue, T4N 5Y7, Red Deer, Division No. 8, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 403-346-8841
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.262047, Longitude: -113.811536

kommentar 5

  • en

    Doug Gariepy


    Was at the botanical gardens and their food was good but not worth what you are charged. The service there was fast, efficient, and very friendly.

  • en

    Cydney Darr


    We checked into a double Queen room as three adults and 1 infant. We were told one price on the phone when we booked and then found that we had been charged another later. Also part of the charges were "marketing and advertising" fees which were about 10%. We assumed there would be a crib in the room because we registered with an infant but there was not. We tried to make due the first night but the next day went to speak to the front desk and was told that they only had two cribs for the 250+ rooms, both of which were in use. Apparently you have to ask at check in. I don't think that's right, at a restaurant I'm asked if I need a high chair right away, why should it be different at a hotel? Our concerns were met with relative indifference and a "that's standard " attitude. It was only when the manager was told that the baby fel off the bed did his tone change a bit. As for cleanliness, it's not bad.. It needs to be updated but that's all and I know they're working on it already. It has that "old-grungy" feel to it. We will not go back for sure. We could have stayed at the Sheraton with better amenities and better service for what we paid.

  • Justina A.

    Justina A.


    good little hotel. rooms were clean. although did find a random hat on top of the tv case.

  • Janelle Robinson

    Janelle Robinson


    Gorgeous establishment and the staff have always been super friendly

  • Lucienne Robillard

    Lucienne Robillard


    I went to Baymont for 5 nights I am giving them a 5 stars. Very happy about my room suite. Good service and very friendly staff. Quiet and spelt very well in my room. The Manager Alla was very nice to me and at the restaurant I had a New York Steak . Delicious. My son and his family came to visit me in my room and swim on day. I had everything I wont. I recommend this Hotel to everyone.

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