Best Western Plus Sawridge Suites i Fort McMurray

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CanadaBest Western Plus Sawridge Suites



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410, TaigaNova Crescent, T9K 0T4, Fort McMurray, Division No. 16, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 780-799-4552
internet side:
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Latitude: 56.7767143, Longitude: -111.4221597

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jose Manlolo


    Our stay was great on a beautiful modernized king room which my wife really liked also the internet is fast that my kids enjoyed their YouTube and online games. The staff was really helpful, they even set me up with a packed breakfast since I'm gone by 4am. Even My 5 year old son have told me that he doesn't want to go home it means that I will be a repeat customer in the future.

  • en

    ST.Alexis Mckay


    I would absolutely recommend this Best Western hotel to anyone traveling to Fort McMurray.  The whole place is so clean and there is everything there you might want, full restaurant (with a great breakfast), lounge, and a convenience store with EVERYTHING!  The fitness room has more equipment then I have seen in any hotel and the steam rooms were the cherry on top for me.  The staff were so friendly and helpful and they always remembered my name even though this was the first time I stayed.  Can’t wait to go back to this hidden gem!!

  • en

    Leif Jensen


    This is one of the best hotels I have every stayed in. The room was very quiet and very comfortable. The staff were amazing and always looking to keep me happy. The food was amazing and the complimentary breakfast buffet is the best I have ever had. I will definitely stay here again and will recommend this hotel to everyone. Thank you to the staff for making my stay enjoyable!!! Keep up the great work.

  • en

    Jenica Taylor


    We love staying here. The beds are comfy, the free breakfast buffet is great and the restaurant has some great food! I love their wings and their salad bar. We stay here every time we're in town. The rooms have a small kitchenette but we haven't used it except for the fridge. The place is clean and the workers are all polite. The underground parking is great for this weather! There is no pool or hot tub fyi if you guys were wondering. All in all, we love this place.

  • G Hine

    G Hine


    Best Western staff were very nice and professional and really wanted to make our stay comfortable. Breakfast was well prepared and good service with coffee and custom prepared omelettes delivered to our table. It also has a well maintained and well outfitted fitness room. The big room was very clean and modern and plenty of pillows on the bed. High ceilings, quiet rooms. Fully supplied kitchen utensils and glasses. Highly recommended.

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