Platinum Residences i Fort McMurray

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaPlatinum Residences


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8202, Manning Avenue, T9H 1V9, Fort McMurray, Division No. 16, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 780-747-7878
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Latitude: 56.716375, Longitude: -111.3483366

kommentar 5

  • en

    Pauline Colbourne


    Rooms are very nice...we'll kept and very friendly staff..would definitely recommend this place to anyone❤

  • Spencer Mackay

    Spencer Mackay


    Rooms are nice, they have a mini kitchen fridge stove or hot plates. They have separate bedrooms with a table 2 chairs and couch. Make sure if you are going to check into this hotel you actually check in to the Platinum suites hotel. Before going to this place. I was not told this and went to the Platinum Suites hotel with my bags carry them all the way up there to find out I had to go to another hotel. It was annoying because I was on the phone with them and they did not tell me this.

  • Francois Letits

    Francois Letits


    No complaints except no housekeeping on weekends. The friday staff should really leave enough toilet paper to last till Monday...

  • nick brennan

    nick brennan


    Very nice clean rooms excellent maid service lots of tv channels new appliances in kitchen extremely happy with everything except the door key cards fail sometimes

  • Magda Kosior

    Magda Kosior


    It's clean. You have everything you need and the décor is more modern than most hotels at this price. Staff are friendly and helpful as well. Constant coffee and tea as well as a basic breakfast.

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