Armstrong and Richardson de Ottawa

CanadaArmstrong and Richardson



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2269, Riverside Drive, K1H 8K2, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-733-4040
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3856835, Longitude: -75.6775356

commentaires 3

  • ahmed wagdy

    ahmed wagdy


    Very helpful and informative staff specially Larissa , a little bit pricey but worth it

  • Amy E

    Amy E


    Only place in Ottawa that has knowledgeable staff that actually knows how to fit shoes. Highly recommend A&R if you're looking for great quality, well fitting footwear!

  • en

    Aaron B.


    I went to them to find leather treatment options for my dress shoes. They cost a pretty penny and polish alone wasn't helping protect them from the ungodly amount of salt Ottawa has a fetish for. The salesman pushed and pushed using mink oil, despite my wariness that they wouldn't take a polish after that. He assured me it was totally fine, and would be the only thing to protect my 300$ shoes from the salt and muck. Following his instructions to a T, I now find myself with an expensive pair of dress shoes that will not even take on the dullest of shines. I am beyond unimpressed with what they convinced me to do with my shoes. I'm taking them to a cobbler to have the leather reconditioned, lets hope I don't have to pay as much as I'm afraid I'll have to. It makes sense why he asked if I had purchased my shoes there, he probably wanted a future sale.

Magasin de chaussures la plus proche

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