DSW Designer Shoe Warehouse de Ottawa

CanadaDSW Designer Shoe Warehouse



🕗 horaire

595, Industrial Avenue, K1G 0Z1, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 613-482-6630
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4116743, Longitude: -75.6418774

commentaires 5

  • en

    Linda St Onge


    Great variety...

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    Shannel Perron


    Terrible quality of shoes and ever worst customer service. Bought 3 pairs of shoes on a Friday night, tried each pair at work INDOORS at my office and one of the pairs started making a loud squeeking sound. Went back the following Friday to exchange them and as I tried a new pair at the store, I realized that those squeeked as well. Laurie the ‘’manager’’ refused to exchange or refund because they had been worn ONCE INDOORS. I explained to her that there is clearly a default in their shoes if the 2 pairs in my size were making this loud sound and I even offered to try them out again for her to hear for herself. She refused to even ‘’hear’’ the situation and told me she couldn’t do anything. To top it off I decided to call customer service regarding this matter and their solution was to go back in when another manager was on duty and to tell them that I had never worn the shoes. This is absolutely not acceptable service and I will NEVER shop there again.

  • Rob Cattral

    Rob Cattral


    DSW has a good display with lots of stock. I was able to quickly find what I was looking for, and didn't have any trouble locating specific sizes. The staff are helpful and polite, and although it was busy when I was in the store, it was not hard to get somebody's attention. The parking for this store falls into the same category as the rest of The Trainyards; However, there is parking available immediately outside the store, and there is easy access to other stores close by.

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    Sean Gates


    Affordable shoes .. I bought Clarks .. something for everybody .. very few kids which was great too!

  • Cathy A. Stoddard

    Cathy A. Stoddard


    Shoe lovers paradise! Literally a department store warehouse full of SHOES! for everyone in the family. Great sale prices and selection.

Magasin de chaussures la plus proche

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