Zenoli de Montréal




🕗 horaire

250, Rue Sherbrooke Ouest, H2X 1X9, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 514-845-2000
site web: boulangeriezenoli.business.site
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.509004, Longitude: -73.5705702

commentaires 5

  • en

    Erik Torosyan


    The coffee shop is amazing. Service is on the top

  • Claudia Atomei

    Claudia Atomei


    Delicious food and lovely welcoming service! I had cannoli (freshly made on the spot), a zeppole (really tasty as well) and veggie pizza (super tender dough). Very good prices too. It's a little dangerous to have discovered this place cause I work across the street - I'm for sure going back there all the time now!

  • en

    Hope Anderson


    An absolutely lovely spot! The staff is so friendly and there is quite a nice spread. Lots of fresh baked goods, both lunch fare and treats. I had a Nutella cookie and wish I would have bought more. Do recommend!

  • en

    Lawrence Haroun


    I was very amazed with the hospitality, this coffee shop offers his customers. The owner and staff were very welcoming. The cake they serve is very delicious and professionally presented. I tried different coffee shops, but definitely, Zenoli comes ahead of all of them.

  • Naomi RSK

    Naomi RSK


    Really lovely place in such a convenient location - they opened only recently. Plenty of pastries, delicious brunch and lunchtime fare; breads, paninis, smoothies and more. They also cater for people who are dairy free like myself. The owner was incredibly lovely (we had a nice chat) and offered me a free cookie!

Café la plus proche

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