YEW seafood + bar de Vancouver

CanadaYEW seafood + bar



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791, West Georgia Street, V6C 2T4, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 604-692-4939
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2837763, Longitude: -123.1179759

commentaires 5

  • Lily Zheng

    Lily Zheng


    The service here is very nice. Our server Ian suggested lobster taco which tastes extremely delicious, and we ended up having two of this taco. The host girl even directed us all the way to washroom which was very of her because I am easily get lost indoor. Unfortunately, the seafood hot pot brings the whole rate down to four star instead of five star. Mussel in the hot pot weren’t fresh, has very stinky smell and tastes bad. We brought this up to server, the manager immediately came and would like to make us a new one. However, we were informed that the chef smells the dish and said that’s what it is supposed to be like. Me and my husband love eating seafood, guarantee that is not normal. We weren’t lucky for the second time either, mussel are not fresh at all. Manager Max is very nice and let us to choose a different dish. I picked pasta with claims which is very good. Overall, the place is worth to try.

  • Andreas Rompel

    Andreas Rompel


    Nice ambience and friendly service. The new menu, however, is an abortion. Couldn't find anything interesting, and what I got, I can do better at home. Cheese sandwich and tomato soup. There was no choice between whole wheat or white bread, and the soup tasted like a blend from a tomato can. Not what you expect from such a restaurant.

  • Anne Shen

    Anne Shen


    Ate here with a lovely gentleman who was a regular and I can honestly say the food and service were probably the best I've had in a very long time. Incredibly attentive staff and delicious food in a comfortable setting made for an exceptionally pleasant evening. They also have this lovely chocolate bark that's to die for. Omnomnomnomnom. If price isn't a concern for you I'd definitely recommend giving it a try.

  • Ian Gendur

    Ian Gendur


    What a fantastic place! I went there with my wife during dine out for one of our usual forays into somewhere interesting and new. Yew Seafood did not disappoint! Lovely ambience and our server David was fantastic, bringing some very well-thought-out selections of wine as we were not interested in some of the pairings. I can't wait to go back again to take a look at the full menu!

  • Khadijah Ali

    Khadijah Ali


    Beautiful environment, location and restaurant. Ordered a few seafood items and the waiter was so attentive and helpful in providing modifications and explaining the dishes to us. Food was very flavorful and cooked to perfection. Desserts are so unique! It's a higher end place, so expect to pay $ but a very nice experience.

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