Yaletown Pet Hospital de Vancouver

CanadaYaletown Pet Hospital



🕗 horaire

893, Expo Boulevard, V6B 1C4, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-682-7389
site web: www.yaletownpethospital.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.276331, Longitude: -123.1143591

commentaires 5

  • Christine Yablonka

    Christine Yablonka


    Exceptional service, friendly staff. Last minute appointments available. I drive out of my way to come here! They take amazing care of my Golden

  • Stephen Willey

    Stephen Willey


    Extremely friendly and helpful. They take great care of my cat and make sure I'm kept up to date with everything I need to know.

  • Faith Bowyer

    Faith Bowyer


    We took one of our cats to Dr. Karley and it was the best vet appointment we've ever experienced. Neither of our cats like going to the vet (as is the case for most cats/cat owners, I'm sure) but Dr. Karley went above and beyond to make our cat feel comfortable. We will definitely be going back there for any and all future appts for both cats. It's also a perk that it's so much closer to our apartment than our previous vet clinic. The only downside is that it *might* be a tricky location if you're driving/parking there (I'd avoid parking on Expo, park on any of the side streets and walk over instead).

  • Megan Cooper

    Megan Cooper


    I cannot say enough wonderful things about this clinic! Incredibly friendly and knowledgeable staff at a very affordable price.

  • Kristy Anderson

    Kristy Anderson


    Koda & I love it here. The staff are kind and informative, and feel very much like extended family. The cost isn’t prohibitive either. We walk by it daily and Koda loves the staff (& treats) so much he wants to go in every time. Highly recommend!

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