Yagger's Kitsilano Restaurant de Vancouver

CanadaYagger's Kitsilano Restaurant



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2884, West Broadway, V6K 2G7, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-733-3002
site web: www.yaggers.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.263948, Longitude: -123.1696233

commentaires 5

  • Casey Callaghan

    Casey Callaghan


    Basic but effective. Went for a friend's birthday recently and had decent service. Pulled Pork BBQ Plate was delicious.

  • Maurice Zenarosa

    Maurice Zenarosa


    Great vibe! Karaoke night was on point 👌(Saturday's) @9:30p. Awesome service, great mix of crowd. The food was great! must get the Tomahawk sauce for dipping or added sauce to your burger👍

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    Tom bk


    I love this Yagger's there in Kits! Every time I go there, there are different servers but it's always a first class service! Also I was never disappointed on the food, always tasting great!

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    Jade Facial


    WING WEDNESDAY WAS AWESOME! Their wings are delicious! Had the maple bajah, honey ginger & one with hoisin sauce. Couldn't decide which my favourite was because they were all so tasty! The owner was a major sweetheart and made us feel right at home! I also loved the chill, relaxed environment! They have a jagger machine & a blended drink machine that I'm excited to try next time! Because let's me honest I wanna come back because this place was so enjoyable!

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    Brandon Storey


    I went Wednesday evening for wings with my wife (wow lots of W’s!) and had a blast. The Maple-Baja wings were amazing. Katrina and Courtney went above and beyond to give us an incredible experience. We’ll definitely be back!

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