Windsor Hotel de Winnipeg

CanadaWindsor Hotel



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187, Garry Street, R3C 1G7, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-942-7528
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8909987, Longitude: -97.1389167

commentaires 5

  • brendan hellrung

    brendan hellrung


    Awesome intimate venue for shows. Reminds me of The Zoo or Ozzies.

  • MIke Wagner

    MIke Wagner


    Great music venue but the bathrooms are disgusting. The smell of urine even comes out into the bar. See you next week.

  • Mike Nolan

    Mike Nolan


    Awesome local and up and coming metal bands

  • Zoë Alexandra Bishop

    Zoë Alexandra Bishop


    Located in the downtown area, Windsor hotel is quite easy to get to. I was not there to stay the night, but rather a goth themed event called Hell Night. The event was really well organized with fire dancing, a raffle and a costume contest. Overall my experience was great. My only complaint about Windsor Hotel would be that it could use some renovations to give it a bit of a visual lift. I will be going back if another event happens to be held there that I'm interested in.

  • fr

    Graham Silver


    Les employés étaient sympathiques et le lieu était agréable.

Magasin d'alcool la plus proche

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