Wild Birds Unlimited i Vancouver

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaWild Birds Unlimited



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1302 W. Broadway (at Birch), Vancouver, BC V6H 1H2, Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 604-736-2676
internet side: vancouver.wbu.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.2633238, Longitude: -123.1339972

kommentar 5

  • H Graham

    H Graham


    Terrific service here, the staff are really knowledgeable about local birds and their specific dietary needs.

  • en

    Colin B


    Very helpful they explained , in detail, why we were not attracting humming birds to our feeders. We were impressed and decided to buy the ones they sold and dispose of the old ones. Hopefully we should be attracting humming birds this year. Also they sold us a hanging grid that contained material suitable for the birds to build nests with. Which might mean that we will attract other birds as well as the humming birds. The good news is, we now are attracting several humming birds an lots of finches.

  • John Harvey

    John Harvey


    The staff are super friendly and knowledgeable. Everything sold here is high-quality; the prices match (to a certain extent) but you can just browse, and be pretty happy. There's now an in-store cat, and they have a reasonable number of gift items if you're looking for something other than a birdfeeder.

  • Adele Clark

    Adele Clark


    Great customer service. They know everything about birds. I have birds everywhere on my balconies thanks to the staff. The birds are eating me out if house and home but what a lark. Birdwatching galore from my table.

  • Manon Fontaine

    Manon Fontaine


    Great place for bird related subject if they don't have what you are looking for they will go out of their way to help you find it. Very friendly staff.

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