Westmount Animal Clinic de Calgary

CanadaWestmount Animal Clinic



🕗 horaire

1609, Kensington Road Northwest, T2N 3R2, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 403-283-3354
site web: www.westmountanimalclinic.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0524147, Longitude: -114.0953604

commentaires 5

  • Norah G

    Norah G


    The staff there is very friendly, professional and knowledgeable. The place is very clean and organized. I've been talking my cats there for the past 7 years and they're well taken care of.

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    Everyone was really wonderful and made my cats visit very pleasant

  • Dani Smythe

    Dani Smythe


    Friendly staff but SO expensive compared to some other vet clinics.

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    Alyssa Herring


    Fantastic clinic and staff across the board. Everyone is warm and welcoming, and the wait time is always very small (or non-existant). They go out of their way to follow up with you after any visit and make sure your pet is well. I would absolutely recommend them to friends and family for care of their pets.

  • Hector FM

    Hector FM


    So far my experience with them has been really good. They take good care of my dog and have a friendly service. They keep track of my dog's vaccines and call me to remind me for the next ones and follow up to check how he is from time to time. It would be awesome if the also could provide the grooming service.

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