west elm de Toronto

Canadawest elm



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109, Atlantic Avenue, M6K 1X4, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 416-537-0110
site web: www.westelm.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.639947, Longitude: -79.420438

commentaires 5

  • en



    If you have money to burn and like nice things, this is the place you want to go. I treated myself to a product I couldn’t find anywhere else after searching for 6 mths and even during a 20% off sale it was still easily 30% higher priced than anywhere else. The product itself is quality though and I do like it. The downside was the customer service or lack of it really. It felt like us buying something was an inconvenience for them. We also managed to loop the entire store without seeing one sales person or being approached. It was just really odd being the only people “in line” at the cash, three employees behind the cash and standing there for at least a (really awkward) minute while all the employees were on their personal phones and we were just told to wait. I get it, instagram is interesting but we were spending hundreds of dollars and it was like they didn’t care which kind of speaks to just how expensive their products are, like several hundreds of dollars wasn’t worth their time. Anyways, I probably won’t go back because I feel they are overpriced but they obviously have a following or they wouldn’t continue to exist. As I said, I’m happy with what I bought but I really feel like their customer service, at least at this store could really use some work.

  • Mike Paris

    Mike Paris


    Trying to find out if King/Liberty has a specific item in stock before I drive all the way over there. Despite providing a phone number, they don't seem to answer any calls. I've tried 5x on different days. Most recently I was advised by the automated machine that "Your call is being transferred. Your call is being transferred. Your call cannot be transferred at this time." FAIL

  • Megan Tyrell

    Megan Tyrell


    This store is definitely great for inspiration! I often go there to get new ideas of how to decorate my space. However, items in this store are definitely pricey for the quality. I would say that I have been disappointed in the quality of their furniture and decor.

  • en

    Dariush Felfeli


    I go in today, I ask the salesperson if they have anything I saw online, he says give me a second, I’m with a customer, after 5 other customers I gave up. A bunch of useless staff here. They should all be fired!!! Or get people who know how to treat customers better. This place has very good things but honestly these people are ruining the place. Abysmal service!! Very upset customer

  • Nadine Alby

    Nadine Alby


    I honestly don't understand why the service is so bad here. I've visited 3 times in the last month (had a gift certificate I wanted to spend) and each time it was a miserable experience, impossible to get help - plenty of staff, but all of them completely ignoring customers and seemingly annoyed when you ask for help. Every single time I've had to wait an incomprehensibly long time to pay, even though though there was never a line (seems like the only person at the front is always on the phone and when they call for backup the other staff are in no rush to come help). The first time I just thought maybe they were having an inventory turnover or something stressful, but now I've just concluded that crappy service is just the attitude here. HUGE contrast with Urban Barn where I've also been a lot recently and where the service has been friendly and helpful every time! I now know to just avoid this place. I gave it 2 stars because the designs are nice enough, but the value is really not there for the price and with the frustrating service I think I'm probably being too generous. UPDATE: I had to return one of the items and they said they couldn't credit my gift card, had to issue me a new gift card. I asked if I could transfer the balance from the other card onto the new one to consolidate the two balances and was told no - no explanation, rude as usual. So now I have two gift cards in my wallet taking up space. I am definitely spending this credit elsewhere, I really can't stand this place! They are linked with pottery Barn and Williams Sonoma so I can spend it there thankfully. Downgraded to 1 star.

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