West Coast Monuments Inc. w Victoria

KanadaWest Coast Monuments Inc.



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3375, Whittier Avenue, V8Z 1E5, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
kontakt telefon: +1 250-478-2099
strona internetowej: westcoastmonuments.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 48.4513634, Longitude: -123.3790448

komentarze 5

  • en



    What a great discovery this family run business turned out to be. Living on Vancouver Island, I was faced with the chore of shopping for a cremation marker for the Sunshine Coast. Buying one on the coast, sight unseen, from a long time but unknown to me, funeral home just seemed odd. Their website offered a limited selection and no pricing. I had to call for a price and even then wasn't sure what I would get. I decided to look in the south island area and came across West Coast Monuments. Their website had a wide selection and the best part; prices. I fired off an email with a couple of questions and had a reply in 4 minutes which started a month long relationship with Tim and Kaitlyn that was, well, "amazing" isn't a word I like, but it works here. The mix of modern technology, professionalism and old school customer service is just so refreshing and rare. They spent so much time with me, discussing options and developing my personal ideas and images, I could not have asked for more. In the end, I got to see the finished product, the price was $200 less than the coastal funeral home and they deliver. A first class operation that I can easily recommend; even to folks on the mainland. Knowing how they work, I would not be concerned with ordering at a distance

  • en

    Michelle Flett


    I ordered a cremation marker for my Dad's grave. They were so wonderful to deal with and the service was excellent. They revised the layout copy upon my numerous request until it was exactly what I wanted. The finished product was beautiful and I couldn't have been happier...I know my Dad would've loved it as well 😊. I would highly recommend them!

  • Ben Lim

    Ben Lim


    The process working with West Coast to order a plot marker was fantastic. Tim was very quick to respond via email, and would answer every question I had (asked about sizing, material, delivery, installation etc). I wanted to "design" the plot myself, with certain font and layout, which he 100% worked with and the end result came out nothing short of perfect. Dealing with West Coast Monuments was a warm experience, during a that is very touchy and difficult. In no way were we pressured to buy anything, or lead in any which way. We are glad we went with West Coast Monuments, and highly recommend them as a result.

  • Susie Lee

    Susie Lee


    We used these guys and they were EXCELLENT! So nice, they made it so easy for us, and they just made us the best memorial for our Grandmother. We were so glad we shopped around and didn't buy the overpriced marker fom elsewhere. I can't recommend them enough!

  • en

    Carl Orm


    During a confusing and vulnerable time, this company’s competence and caring was invaluable. I had enough on my plate with all the funeral/cemetery arrangements and family. The memorial they made was just perfect and I am grateful for their service.

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