Wenxin Bed and Breakfast de Regina

CanadaWenxin Bed and Breakfast


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2230, Rose Street, S4P 2A6, Regina, Division No. 6, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 306-596-5988
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.4433805, Longitude: -104.6082742

commentaires 5

  • Jess Joy

    Jess Joy


  • J B

    J B


    I'm sorry to give bad reviews but quite a few utilities weren't working and overall I didn't feel the place was clean enough or convenient. For the asked price I expected more. It is not far from town and for a 1 night stay could be ok. You have to take off your shoes and use the slippers to get to your room, I at least expected some clean slippers instead of shared ones. For my standards, I wouldn't go again

  • Peter Maco

    Peter Maco


    Very neat and clwa little b&b

  • Tyriael Soban

    Tyriael Soban


    Decent place, bedrooms were large however could do with a little tlc in places, biggest downside was the whole place shared one bathroom (to the best of my knowledge) but its in great range of most of the city center even if you are on foot.

  • Dominic Lussier

    Dominic Lussier


    Beautifull place, great service ! Nous avons logé ici 3 jours et se fut parfait ! Bon repas et très accueillant. Je recommande

Lodging la plus proche

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