Wendy's de Saskatoon




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2105, 8th St, S7H 0T8, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 306-374-8861
site web: locations.wendys.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1151727, Longitude: -106.6273133

commentaires 5

  • Jasmine Chamberlain

    Jasmine Chamberlain


    The customer service was terrible. The young female cashier was annoyed with an elderly lady asking for more milk in her coffee, when the lady asked for more, the cashier slammed a carton of milk on the counter and said with attitude, "Just take it!" She greeted me with no enthusiasm whatsoever, and then when I said I needed time to decide what to get, she basically walked away like she no longer cared about serving me. While taking my order she was not friendly, she was impatient and seemed like she wanted me out as soon as possible even though the entire store was empty and she was not busy. I was so unimpressed that I only ordered a Frosty and went to Mcdonald's for the rest of my meal!

  • Catzes96



    Wendy’s on 8th Street is awesome! They have great staff and have always got my order right and fresh! One time while ordering in our order was taking a little bit longer and we were all good with it but the manager came and brought us a free frosty each for the wait. It was a pleasant surprise. :) definitely recommend this Wendy’s!

  • en

    Phillip Holmesacourt


    At supper time last night Dec 21 I went to pick up some burgers. Well in the Wendys on 8th st a homeless man approached the counter and asked for a glass of water. I was most impressed with the staff as they were kind and compassionate with the man. Many could learn from the way they treated this man and I have been in businesses before where the treatment of someone less fortunate than many has been less than kind. Wendys way to go keep up the great work,

  • Jesse Lee

    Jesse Lee


    Went in and ordered the bacon portabella mushroom burger combo. Sat down and found the inside of the border was red and very undercooked, and the fries tasted as though they were frozen and left on the counter to thaw, then dipped in the dryer for 10 seconds. Gross. I went up and explained as politely as I could, they got me a new meal. Exact. Same. Thing. Burger and fries. Again. So I went up again and I did get a refund, but having said that. The staff couldn't have seemed like they cared less about my experience. The manager imparticularly just didn't care whatsoever. I know it's a fast food joint and service isn't what they're known for but if your customer is unsatisfied, I expect their attitude to be apologetic and willing to satisfy. Which it certainly was not. I will never go back to this Wendy's location and I suggest going to 51st Street or By Willowgrove for your Wendy's needs

  • Travis Scott

    Travis Scott


    Never ate here before so decided I would try it out. Their Twitter account is fun to watch, the ads are on all the time and I've never set foot in. So here is my feedback. The burgers were not good. I had one, I think may have been raw still. Tasted mushy and nasty so I never finished it. Also had the apple cranberry salad, and it was awesome. One of the best salads I've had especially from fast food. So I am not sure what is up with them, maybe they should just become a Fast Food Salad bar?

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