Walmart Hull Supercentre de Gatineau

CanadaWalmart Hull Supercentre



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35, Boulevard du Plateau, J9A 3G1, Gatineau, Communauté-Urbaine-de-l'Outaouais, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 819-772-1911
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4359404, Longitude: -75.7707272

commentaires 5

  • en

    Justin Parsons


    Large store. Your typical Walmart.

  • Tim Timmerson

    Tim Timmerson


    Shelves are always empty looks like they canned their night shift and restock throughout the day so there are boxes everywhere and nothing you want or need is actually on the shelf. I used to shop here all the time sinces its a 15 min drive from my home but ill now make the 45 min drive to ottawa or gatineau so when i go shopping i actually leave the store with what i went their for.... just sad

  • en

    Christine Lamarche


    The store is clean and the staff is nice. They have a good variety of goods but some departments are not in order and prices are missing. I'm disappointed they don't have a lot of crafting product like they have in other Walmart.

  • Cris Sinnott

    Cris Sinnott


    They actually have really good fresh vegetables here at great prices. A fraction of the price of the competition

  • Maria Diment

    Maria Diment


    READ THIS because hopefully it will save your time and money. DO NOT ever buy any sort of expensive technology here. The other day, we bought what we thought was a new Xbox(halo 5 edition bundle), for the full price of one. It was not working properly, was slow, and couldn't even get past the initial update necessary to use the console at all. We wasted many hours trying whatever we could, thinking the issue was on our end. In the end we have given up and gotten another one at EB games, planning to return the faulty one next time we got a chance. Opening it up, we discovered many stickers and wrapping that was simply missing from the faulty console. Yep. They sold us a used, broken console someone previously returned, but advertised as new. Not even refurbished. We got scammed, ripped off! In the next day or 2, we will be returning it. Maybe they'll put it back on that shelf. If you're planning to buy one anytime soon, maybe they'll even sell it to you. I just want everyone to know that this is the kind of treatment you get at this store. Do not waste your time and money. Go to EB games.

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