Walmart de Burlington




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2065, Fairview Street, L7R 0B4, Burlington, Halton Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-637-3100
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.3378763, Longitude: -79.8121432

commentaires 5

  • Philip Chandler

    Philip Chandler


    It's spacious and the staff is good, but they have been terrible for re-stocking and keeping the place tidy. Items on sale that sell out fast aren't replaced, I've asked regarding sold out items and checked back week after week with no replacements MONTHS later, messy shelves that look the same the following week! Lately they've been doing renovations and are reorganizing. I'll see how it goes after but so far I'm not impressed. I go here a lot because they are right around the corner, and staff IS quite friendly and tries to be helpful.

  • Allen Beharrell

    Allen Beharrell


    I don't shop at Walmart very often but they do have lower prices on most things and in some cases a different selection. I don't really like the store environment or ambience but often I have been pleased with their efficiency in processing customers through the checkout. I have been pleasantly surprised at some of their unique products.

  • Diane Demurak

    Diane Demurak


    I stopped in to grab my daughter a Happy Meal at McDonald's because it was on route. It was a bit confusing as to where the line was to order and the line to wait for your food. Another mom and I were discussing this as she waited behind people that she thought were in line to order, only to find later they were waiting for food - thus making her wait longer!

  • en

    Steph Forrester


    WARNING: safety hazard I purchased Hot Genoa Salami from this location on Sunday March 11th 2018 and the staff did not remove the non-editable casing. This was a major safety hazard as it is not noticeable when looking at the meat, we placed it into our sandwiches and was surprised with the string that caused us to gag/choke. This location has great cashiers but the floor staff seems pretty off, i would recommend driving the distance and going to the other location. The manager I talked to was very nice, and asked us to bring the product in not sure where this will go from there but I wanted to let others know what had happened.

  • Eid Haddad

    Eid Haddad


    Like all Walmart that one is very good. Large park lot, very clean. I found everything than I was looking for. All employees are very friendly. Easy to access by car. It was open until 6pm on Sunday.

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