Voltaire House de Ottawa

CanadaVoltaire House


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350, Fernhill Road, K1M 0W8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-744-1783
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Latitude: 45.4500453, Longitude: -75.674117

commentaires 1

  • en

    Anne Gravel


    I stayed here last week while i was in Ottawa on business and I have to say I really really loved these guys and their beautiful villa (home seems somehow too sedate a word to describe the house). First of all - the house is exquisite and it is so beautifully appointed that it belongs in a very fabulous sort of catalogue. As beautiful as the house is though for me what made it even more amazing is the hosts - these guys are just the most interesting, fantastic and nicest people you'll meet. I loved them! You can have privacy if you wish of course or you can chat with them - I've never stayed at such a luxurious B&B or anywhere where the hosts took such amazing care of me. Everything is spotlessly and scrupulously clean but if you had seen the house you would see that saying that does it somewhat of a disservice because it's so much more than just spotlessly clean. Breakfast was lovely and fantastic and my room was very nice and comfortable. There is a very spacious and comfortable living room where the guests can watch television. Based on my experience and what I know I would say that it is likely to be very quiet and peaceful since they only take two guests (or more specifically two rooms) at a time. There is also a lovely backyard - I sat outside with them in the backyard laughing and chatting after work one evening and they really are the most fascinating, welcoming, very very well traveled and educated and loveliest/clever/funny people. For those who would be visiting Ottawa for the first time, Rockliffe Park is Ottawa's most prestigious neighborhood it is fabulous and beautiful while still being close to everything downtown. I absolutely adored this place and I absolutely adored these guys. Thank you for having me! : ) I will 100% be back!

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