VJ's de Ottawa



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150, Laurier Avenue West, K1P 5J4, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-234-0925
site web: vijs.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4205685, Longitude: -75.693815

commentaires 5

  • en

    Chris Burton


    Pretty sure when I called to see when the place was open they guy who picked up the phone was very drunk or on drugs. Rambling about paying taxes and he needs to know why I want to know if they play piano cause I sound like the tax guy. Can't handle a phone call let alone trust them with food. Scary they actually open the doors to the public.

  • Jillian DeMars

    Jillian DeMars


    Absolutely wonderful experience. Perfect service and beautiful sounds. A precious gem in Ottawa.

  • en

    Robert Wengert


    We thought a drink at a piano bar would be a fun but quick stop among the many venues we wanted to hit while visiting Ottawa. An hour later, we didn't want to leave. In a world of crowded bars with excessively loud speakers, VJ's is a true gem. The piano player's sound is as smooth as he is charismatic and when VJ, the owner, left his post at the bar to sing for us the experience went from great to magical. It was impossible not to smile as his voice transported us to another era, one much simpler than ours. By the end of the night I was wishing I had been born 50 years sooner. This was a truly memorable experience. I hope to find a piano bar similar to this one closer to home but I doubt I will be able to.

  • en

    Mikhail Zherebtsov


    Wonderful place. Great atmosphere. Live piano music, fantastic crowd. Loved it!

  • Jessica Hallam

    Jessica Hallam


    A gem in Ottawa's downtown core run by the legend, VJ, himself. Check your ego at the door, pick up a quart of Molson Ex and enjoy refilling your tiny glass. Mix it up with the regulars and soak in the decor. It's a one-of-a-kind place and a one-man-show. Be kind and polite, and you will be rewarded.

Bar la plus proche

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