Vero Moda at Bestseller de Winnipeg

CanadaVero Moda at Bestseller


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1485, Portage Avenue, R3G 0W4, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 204-237-9899
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8844575, Longitude: -97.1987432

commentaires 3

  • Janet Dunstan

    Janet Dunstan


    Lovely place

  • Domenica Burroughs

    Domenica Burroughs


    One of my go to stores. The staff is always super helpful and friendly and will often suggest that I check the website if something is not in my size in the store. Have had to return before and never had an issue. Honestly enjoy the brand. Wish this store was larger though with more selection like the website has to offer. While I was in Norway I stepped into a Vera Moda there, in a town of about 30 000 people and the store was four times that of ours, so hopefully this store can eventually expand.

  • en

    carly puls


    I bought a pair of pleather type material pants at vera moda. I didn't wash or dry the pants as I had an event to go to that night. I wore the pants once and after I took the pants off the material was bubbling in the bum and thigh area. Which was odd, I'm a petite person, and have never experienced this. So I took them back to the store to return them. The staff 'nicely' told me that because I wore the pants their store policy is that they can not return or replace the pants. My mom was with me, she asked the staff what she meant by that, and asked why the pants could not be returned as there was visibly something wrong with them, and we have the receipt. And yes my mom raised her voice, due to the surprising response from staff. The staff continued to tell my mom she was being loud and rude to her. And the staff was using polite tone while belittling my mother. My mom asked to speak to a manager, she claimed she was the manager, clearly she wasn't. She was soo rude, unprofessional and juvenile. So another staff working came to the rescue and allowed me to return the pants. I will never shop at the store again. The lack of customer service and watching this women talk down to my mother was embarrassing. I would think twice about ever entering that store, as it made my shopping experiance very stressful.

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