Vape Haven de Winnipeg

CanadaVape Haven



🕗 horaire

260, Watt Street, R2K 2R5, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-691-8998
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.9135954, Longitude: -97.1013181

commentaires 5

  • en

    Generous John


    Great shop, knowledge and honest staff, and great selection of everything

  • Carla Gomes

    Carla Gomes


    Knowledgeable staff, friendly atmosphere. They actually have the patience to explain things to you.

  • Cheif Wee Todd

    Cheif Wee Todd


    Would give 0 stars if I could. They don't stock their shelves often enough. Waited a very long time for my favorite juice, they finally got it in and their staff wouldn't sell it to me cause they hadn't counted it yet.... Very poor service. I went home and ordered straight from the supplier, had it shipped to my door in 2 days! I haven't had to go without my favorite juice since then. They always blamed the supplier for their shortages, now I know who is really to blame.

  • tara greyeyes

    tara greyeyes


    So I was just looking for vape juice and the guy sold me on buying a new vape😆 totally worth it and great price! I absolutely love this vape the N-Ego. He knew what he was talking about and it feels like smoking a cigarette. Totally worth the trip and I highly recommend this place and will deff be back in the future 👌

  • biguncleshirley



    A local gem. Whether you are curious, a newbie or a well seasoned builder. This shop has everything you need and knowledgeable staff to help answer any & all your questions.

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