Vantage Vintage Boutique de Winnipeg

CanadaVantage Vintage Boutique



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210-70, Albert Street, R3B 1E7, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8968423, Longitude: -97.1407348

commentaires 5

  • Ashley Wilson

    Ashley Wilson


    I'm always amazed at the pieces I see at Vantage Vintage Boutique! This is the place to go if you're looking for beautiful, timeless, elegant and/or funky vintage. You will be wearing one-of-a-kind fashion!! Which is the perfect way to stand out in a crowd!

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    Rachel Gordon


    Love love love!

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    Meredith Howes


    As a vintage collector of many years I have to say that stumbling upon this place has been just wonderful. These guys hit the nail on the head every time. They are truly old souls, incredibly sweet to deal with and have (what I would call) the best selection this city has to offer. I don’t know how they do it! This shop is a must for anyone exploring the city. They have such great quality in their selection that I recommend them to anybody interested in vintage clothing. They are the finest. ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

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    Colin Bisson


    Great place to shop! Great vintage clothing in impeccable condition!! Staff were amazing too! Love it!

  • Kyla Sullivan

    Kyla Sullivan


    This is hands down the best vintage shop in the city. The guys here will go out of their way to ensure all your questions are answered, and needs are met. If they don’t have it, they will get it for you. I have never dealt with anyone as accommodating as these two before. Their selection is amazing and they always have incredible new finds. I highly recommend you check them out! They told me they were new to the scene but you would never be able to tell as they have such beautifully curated clothing and great product knowledge. Keep it up guys! You are exactly what our city needed! Thanks for my many new favourite pieces and I will see you soon! ❀

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