Vancouver City Hall de Vancouver

CanadaVancouver City Hall



🕗 horaire

453, West 12th Avenue, V5Y 1V4, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-873-7000
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2609083, Longitude: -123.1139198

commentaires 5

  • en

    Guest Guest


    2018-04-23 Global News in Canada: The City of Vancouver issues apology for historical discrimination against Chinese residents ... ---------------------------------------------------------- Comment: Apology NOT accepted and discrimination continues to this very day. Even in Asian communities, good jobs are NOT given to Asians. The ONLY Asians who get good jobs are the Model Minorities, those who attack their own race. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canada is a country that does NOT follow the law. Charter violations from the government both in Provincial Levels and Federal Levels are common practice in Canada. Every where you turn, you can encounter Charter violations from our government. DEMOCRACY, BUT NON-LAW ABIDING, IS REALLY MEANINGLESS!

  • en

    Monika Herrmann


    Policies are awful and benefitting a small minority and affecting the majority. It is a playground for the mayor and the richest.

  • Silversurfer Tabasco

    Silversurfer Tabasco


    got a parking ticket parked in front of my house of almost 40 years even though i had a valid permit. the reason being i renewed my car insurance with new plates which requires cancelling existing permit and applying for a new one which i was quite aware of. the only problem happened during the x mas/new year holiday and city hall was CLOSED so there was no way for me to do so. most unreasonable.

  • en

    Nancy Lin


    I have been helping my parents get a very simple permit over the last month and so far, I call every morning to follow up with the City Hall (at their request), and they keep on passing me around, lost my drawing, and claimed an inspection that I paid for twice never happened, and is asking me to pay again.... WOW. and this is on top of the 6 more week my parents have spent dealing with them. And now the city people tell me I was correct in my first meeting with them... of course they told me off the first, I don't know ... 30 days or so???? and they told me just this morning I should have hired a consultant before I started. We did ask around, they cost $12000. So apparently that's the entrance fee to work with the City of Vancouver. I recommend having a city hall wide work competency review.... and I expect to spend another 3 months dealing with the City Hall...

  • Simon Wagner

    Simon Wagner


    Tolles GebĂ€ude, aber nur von außen angeschaut

Mairie la plus proche

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