Value Village de Thunder Bay

CanadaValue Village



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915, Memorial Avenue, P7B 4A1, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 807-345-3232
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.409872, Longitude: -89.2443743

commentaires 5

  • Manu Sreeraj

    Manu Sreeraj


    Good shop. If you are looking for less expensive second hand goods this is the best place. You can get dresses, electronic items, furniture etc.. Good customer service as well

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    Their book selection is awesome especially if you want children's books it's the best way to buy them for inexpensive. Plus if you buy 4 you get one free!

  • Dan Varnus

    Dan Varnus


    Delusional pricing, whoever they brought on to do it obviously hasn't heard that poorer people need clothes. Actually more expensive than buying new. Smells like it needs a good dusting

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    Chris Zytaruk


    Value village provides great re-used clothes at affordable prices. The best part of thrift store shopping at value village is finding hidden gems that you cannot even buy in current day department stores! Value village also frequently offers deals, offers, and special value days. You can literally get shirts, pants, sweaters for only a few dollars! I also think the proceeds go to a good charity, but I am uncertain. Either way, they provide neat clothes for those searching for a treasure, and affordable options for low income families too. The one near the University is especially awesome during March and April when University students are unloading household appliances and clothes they don't wish to fly home with

  • Amy Hoad-Owen

    Amy Hoad-Owen


    Could use another mirror in the change rooms to get a different angle- back of the door. Has gotten better at keeping it relatively organized and clean. Definitely keep an eye on the change rooms for who is done using them and left all their rejects in there. Makes it hard to know if one is free despite the open door- they might be coming back after grabbing a different size really quick. Staff is always so friendly. Definitely bring back student discount days! Even 1x a month would bring in a lot more business.

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