Value Village de Sudbury

CanadaValue Village



🕗 horaire

799, Notre Dame Avenue, P3A 2T2, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 705-525-2339
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.5106852, Longitude: -80.9879573

commentaires 5

  • en

    Michael Lively


    Nice and big. I had a good time.

  • Clint Jordan

    Clint Jordan


    Wow! They have racist workers there! My wife (who is mixed race) was offered "warm clothes" and no joke this is what the guy said to her " these can keep you warm in this climate. Must be a big change in weather from where you are from". My wife replied "I was born in Sudbury actually". Keep away. I will be going to social media to warn more people.

  • Monty Paiement

    Monty Paiement


    I have bed bugs now that I placed my purchases on my furnature .Now my couch and bed are garbage i know where im bringing my trash for now on bed bugs or not .Price is too high . this store knows this too but doesnt give a damn . needs to boycotted.

  • Brittany Sheridan

    Brittany Sheridan


    This value village has limited selection in terms of trendy fashion, and many items are stained, ripped, or worn beyond reason. The staff are friendly, helpful and easy to find, though.

  • The0neR1ng



    Some things are way to expensive. You can find a good deal every now and then. But overall its just too expensive. Might as well go somewhere like Walmart and buy brand new.

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