Valet Cleaners de Toronto

CanadaValet Cleaners



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38, Church Street, M5E 1R9, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-364-7924
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6491412, Longitude: -79.3742494

commentaires 5

  • Emily Lau

    Emily Lau


    Great dry cleaning at competitive prices

  • Christine Custodio

    Christine Custodio


    Friendly service and quick turn around time. I've used it for both dry cleaning and alterations.

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    Alex Koppel


    I think some of the negative posters on here may be the same person posting on behalf of a rival cleaner, as their comments appear wildly inaccurate. The service here is wonderful and they have performed miraculous feats of tailoring, having saved each of my cherished suits at one time or another. Remember these key words: "invisible mending" - just whisper them to one of the ladies here and they will save your (suits) life.

  • Robert Dunlop

    Robert Dunlop


    Use them all the time. Very helpful. Have had alterations to trousers and jackets down. All great results.

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    Lijon G


    I've been going there every week for the last few years and consistently enjoyed the service. They've been able to return shirts sooner than others and are always clean. Prices are competitive and the people very friendly.

Blanchisserie la plus proche

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