UPS Access Point de Vancouver

CanadaUPS Access Point


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1328, West Georgia Street, V6E 4S3, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 800-742-5877
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2882447, Longitude: -123.1275022

commentaires 5




    The new owner is very friendly!

  • en

    Jenny Reynen


    Super Causal atmosphere. The shop owner is a little curt but he got my package with no problem.

  • Aaron Wright

    Aaron Wright


    This guy was extremely rude and inconsiderate of the customer. He rejected my package that I wanted to ship saying he couldn't store it and it was too big. I had just walked 3 blocks with it so it obviously wasn't THAT big. This guy is one of the worst store clerks I've ever met. He was unwelcoming standing in the doorway on the phone and didn't even get off the phone to talk to me. UPS shouldn't deal with this guy.

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    Behrouz Behzadnia


    I ordered 2 items shipped by UPS for one address. One deliverd, the other on online tracking showed wrong address and thepackagereturned to the sender. So funny.

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    sarah williams


    The guy in this store is the one of the Rudest people i've ever met.

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