University of Winnipeg de Winnipeg

CanadaUniversity of Winnipeg


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

515, Portage Avenue, R3B 2E9, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-786-7811
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8916749, Longitude: -97.1545073

commentaires 5

  • Ansel Vyrauen

    Ansel Vyrauen


    good university for arts focus. great inner city presence that helps improve neighborhoods downtown.

  • en

    duuupeeloop poop


    The security here is a joke and in the last couple weeks since the university has been open there as been several students getting mugged. Of course the universities answer is hire more security that just sit around

  • G G

    G G


    A damn shame university doesn't know better, they are poisoning every living bird within their distance. Every bird that had been poisoned took at least 4 hours of excruciating pain and seizures till their little hearts finally stopped Shame on you, damn psychopaths and savages that are allowing this .. How date birds live around this university

  • Janelle Huberdeau

    Janelle Huberdeau


    Very knowledgeable profs and close to lots of bus stops.

  • en



    It is a beautiful city and I am very excited to become the student of university of winnipeg.

Université la plus proche

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