Uncle Jacob de Toronto

CanadaUncle Jacob



🕗 horaire

355, Spadina Avenue, M5T 2G3, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 416-340-2715
site web: jacobcycle.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6555004, Longitude: -79.39862

commentaires 5

  • en

    Steven Bauer


    Don't buy here. More than half the bikes in there are stolen. Buyer beware.

  • en

    Faiq Abidy


    Very rude and unprofessional employees. One employee was very aggressive and when didn't agree on a bike specifications, he told me to F off. Not sure if they're in the business of selling bikes and care, or something else.

  • en

    robbie murphy


    Sold me two faulty bikes, literally doesn't care. Worst service ever.

  • Stupid Boy

    Stupid Boy


    èŽŒé»‘ïŒŒèŻŽć„œçš„æąèƒŽïŒŒäžä»…æČĄæœ‰æąïŒŒèƒŽèĄ„çš„äčŸäžć„œ 2怩äč‹ćŽćˆæŒæ°”äș†ïŒŒèż˜ćŁćŁćŁ°ćŁ°èŻŽäžéȘ—äșș

  • en

    George Orwellian


    Got a last minute tune up in 1 day. Came out better than the last 5 tune ups elsewhere. Friendly service and great prices. Old school shop. Just today was looking for some back up wheels, again, friendly service, good selection and reasonable prices!! Love these guys.

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