Twiss & Weber de Ottawa

CanadaTwiss & Weber



🕗 horaire

1282, Wellington Street, K1Y 3A7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 613-761-1701
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3989509, Longitude: -75.7345736

commentaires 5

  • en

    Abigail Gasparotto


    Amazing shop, amazing people.

  • Laura Twiss

    Laura Twiss


    What can I say ~ I own the place! đŸ€—đŸ˜‰đŸ€—

  • en

    erika marion


    just had the best experience here, found a killer dress, received stellar help and it was shockingly affordable for handmade local artistry. beautiful stuff and great staff!

  • Laura Lyons

    Laura Lyons


    Super friendly and fantastic value for unique items designed and created on site. Shop local and handmade without breaking the bank.

  • Natalie Robichaud

    Natalie Robichaud


    Laura and Tonia have managed to combine handmade clothing and style. Their creations are colorful, comfortable and stylish. Twiss & Weber provide a laidback and fun shopping atmosphere. A variety of local artisans are also carried in the store from jewelers to gorgeous handbags made in Chelsea, Qc. The owners are open to special requests and customization of clothing to fit a client perfectly. Twiss & Weber are a local gem to be discovered!

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