Tux & Tails Ltd w Saskatoon

KanadaTux & Tails Ltd



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2 - 1601 22 St W, Saskatoon, SK S7M 0T2, Canada
kontakt telefon: +1 306-242-1301
strona internetowej: www.tuxandtails.ca
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 52.128951, Longitude: -106.694635

komentarze 5

  • Chris Boat

    Chris Boat


  • en

    Kevin Robison


    Great service :)

  • Blaine Fisher

    Blaine Fisher


  • en

    Stephen Jac


    Extremely helpful. I left getting a vest as well as a dress shirt and dress pants to the very last minute. Not only were they not judgmental but had a solid selection unlike the other 6 stores I tried desperately looking or something that would fit me as I am a plus sized gentleman. The lady that assisted me was kind and extremely helpful and the whole process only took about half an hour. It seemed reasonably priced and I got my damage deposit back just fine. They definitely saved my weekend.

  • en

    darrin kingston


    disorganized i rented a tux for a formal event in which i purchased a top hat. the girl mixed up the top hat size and sent me with a hat that was too small. they informed me that they could not take it back as it was out of the plastic. but offered me a 50% refund for my trouble. unfortunately instead of refunding me they charged me an additional 50% when i called to discuss this they agreed of their mistake and agreed to refund me immediately. i am still waiting for the refund several days later. if i could give negative stars i would.

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