True Love Cafe de Toronto

CanadaTrue Love Cafe



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290, Dundas Street East, M5A 1Z9, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 416-922-0532
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6584096, Longitude: -79.3711837

commentaires 5

  • en

    Eugene Yoon


    Great and friendly service. Also, can't beat the prices for cheap eats!

  • en

    Lil Seb


    Great food!! Everything looked and tasted amazing, although bathroom was scary and dirty. Still a big recommendation!

  • Brian Johns

    Brian Johns


    I've eaten at this wonderful and artsy coffee shop numerous times (though not recently). If you want an experience rather than a quick coffee and a meal this is the kind of place I'd recommend. There's an old piano and a lounge to sit and drink your latte while discussing an art project or web gig (with your laptop in front of you). The atmosphere is great as is the service as well. It's like a gem that you might find on Queen West near City TV. A coffee house with an artsy feel and design that caters to comfort and experience. The kind of place that Tim Horton's would love to marry cause they'd have great kids together. They both have great coffee and service though they each are a different experience.

  • Mizz LoveLippz

    Mizz LoveLippz


    Totally adorable. Coffee was good; apple pie was good. The funky and old school decor was so inviting. The only downer is the hours. Would love if this café was open longer.

  • leif tobias gifford

    leif tobias gifford


    Been here a couple times with my partner. Seems like a refuge for older, nostalgic folk, which is fine with me! The atmosphere is just a bit kitschy, with purple walls and tiled floors. However, the theme shines through. Saturday acoustic jam sessions are lovely! What a way to daydream with a tea and some breakfast/brunch. The food is pretty good! The prices are very decent, especially if you're a vegetarian like me. Very affordable, protein-filled options! The food settles a little heavy in your stomach at first, but that's diners for you in general. I personally recommend the grilled cheese on rye bread. Although I have to warn you - you'll keep coming back for it! 5 stars for the AMAZING staff and charming atmosphere. Worth traveling to from the West end!

Café la plus proche

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