Trinity-St. Paul's United Church and Centre for Faith, Justice and the Arts de Toronto

CanadaTrinity-St. Paul's United Church and Centre for Faith, Justice and the Arts



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427, Bloor Street West, M5S 1X7, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 416-922-8435
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.666058, Longitude: -79.405693

commentaires 5

  • Stephanie R

    Stephanie R


    Just stopped by with a friend. Nice place.

  • Mandy Epprecht

    Mandy Epprecht


    Great place, full of wonderful activities that anyone can join in. And the space for rentals is quite reasonably priced. The staff is very helpful and tries hard to accommodate .

  • Rita Cheng

    Rita Cheng


    It's an old church but it looks okay on the outside, however, half of the church inside is quite squeaky. This church hosts lots of art lessons and performances including music, singing and dance. It has a Montessori school in the basement, too. The sanctuary of this church is not very big but the balcony can take up as many people as it is in the sanctuary. Even though the organ looks old with some dust, it sounds well.

  • James Caldwell

    James Caldwell


    Great place to see musicians, excellent accustics. Seats are comfortable and the views are all good.

  • vash b

    vash b


    Great community event here. Nice staff

Église la plus proche

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