Toronto Roofing Industries Ltd de Toronto

CanadaToronto Roofing Industries Ltd



🕗 horaire

200, Unwin Avenue, M5A 1A3, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-694-0906
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6458107, Longitude: -79.3524206

commentaires 2

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    Dan Carr


    We used Toronto Roofing Industries a few years ago when we needed to replace our sloped roof. Their quote was reasonable and the staff professional and attentive - we had a good experience. Just recently, we had a ceiling leak in a part of the house near a skylight (work done by another contractor) on a weekend. I called them Monday morning, they were there inspecting before noon, and the work was done before the end of the day. They were friendly and helpful and the price was reasonable. Can't do better than that.

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    shabir ahmed


    Very rude driver

Entrepreneur en toiture la plus proche

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