Toronto Old City Hall de Toronto

CanadaToronto Old City Hall



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60, Queen Street West, M5H 2M3, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 416-338-0338
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6524826, Longitude: -79.3820163

commentaires 5

  • Bianca O

    Bianca O


    Beyond angry and disappointed with the judge appointed to myself and the group of people with me. I was there to pay my red light ticket and I have never felt more disrespected. The female judge essentially told me to be quite when I was explaining to her why I was there on behalf of my mom, which is totally legal, and made me cry infront of everyone in the room. She should be looked into about her behaviour towards CITIZENS who GIVE THEIR TAX DOLLARS to THIS COURT HOUSE and ultimately HER. Noone should EVER speak to anyone that way, does not matter if they are a judge or not. I am a young girl who has never had any violations and I was treated this way? Disgusted. No wonder people detest law enforcement. Disgusting behaviour I saw today.

  • John Norton

    John Norton


    This building is a testament to the engineering and architectural genius of its builder. Mr. Lenox. He wanted to give the young city a building it could be proud of. And boy did he accomplish that. Old City Hall went so far over budget city officials. We're furious with Lennox undeterred Lenox continue to execute his plan and the result was a magnificent City Hall that the world over could be impressed at. Rumor has it that the characters which are placed throughout the crown molding of the building and in various other places along the stonework are actually faces of the counselors of the time when the building was built. Of course they're grotesque expressions reflect the feelings that Lennox had towards city council at that time giving their Vendetta against him. When Old City Hall was first built it had Dual Purpose as a courthouse and City Hall however after new city hall was constructed Old City Hall was converted in tirely into provincial courts even the former council chambers are now a courtroom however they have it kept intact the entire original Council chamber where's the public can view at any time through the windows of the doors of the council chambers. With construction of a new Provincial Court House underway the future for Old City Hall remains on certain but surely it will live on. Purposed but hopefully not altered too much it has survived the Wrecking Ball more than once how did Ben left to Timothy Eaton & Company the entire Old City Hall structure would have been demolished safe for the Clock Tower to make way for a very Bland and boring 1970s office building and expanded Eaton Centre thankfully this never happened and hopefully we will have Old City Hall to look at for many years into the future

  • Ian White

    Ian White


    This is a neat place to find in the middle of a modern, although well-designed city. It's architecture somehow just fits in in the steel and glass surroundings and contrasts well with the arcs of the new City Hall.

  • Samantha Loaiza

    Samantha Loaiza


    This is such an incredible architecture in the middle of a modern city like Toronto. Enclosed by the new city hall, the financial district and the Eaton Centre, you will get great pictures of this place at any time in the year.

  • Robert MacMillan

    Robert MacMillan


    This is one of my favourite places in all of Toronto. The exterior is beautiful, matched with a gorgeous interior. Marble and wood make up the décor, providing visitors a unique taste of the beauty that is Toronto’s historical architecture. I highly recommend checking this building out; even if you only go to see the outside, it will be worth it. Keep in mind you will have to go through security, and photography inside isn’t allowed. You must also consider the building is an active courtroom, so please be respectful to those working. Despite that, you CAN go on weekends. There are bail hearings that take place throughout weekend mornings, and those are always fun to go.

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