Top Of the World i Ottawa

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CanadaTop Of the World



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158, Rideau Street, K1N 5X6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-237-4797
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4268808, Longitude: -75.6898371

kommentar 5

  • Dane Merritt

    Dane Merritt


    great skate shop. cool owners and employees. sweet deals. good hours during the off season. worth a visit even for non-skaters. who knows what cool ripndip shirt you might see on the shelf.

  • Jason Britt

    Jason Britt


    Hands down the best skate shop in Ottawa. I went in last week to browse, as I want to get my son a complete set up for his birthday. They recommended several prebuilt completes that didn't break the bank. The staff was really friendly too, amd got to shoot the bull with one of the staff about skateboarding of yesteryear. Decent selection of decks, and shoes. Why shop at West 49 or Zumiez, when you can get everything you would want at Top? Support your local skate shop!

  • Andre T

    Andre T


    Top has long been the best skate/snowboard shop in Ottawa. The staff is fantastic and the owners are always incredibly helpful. Great selection of equipment and clothing, all of which are amazing quality. If you've never gone in then stop by. You won't regret it.

  • Charlie Shan

    Charlie Shan


    Great downtown skate shop. Shoes are important and they have a room which is religiously dedicated to them. Fixing up boards is important and they have a workbench and pros on staff to help you. Prices are reasonable and they'll fix up your boards when you have no idea what to do and don't have the parts. They fixed two of my longboards today and only charged $12.43 for parts. Work and expertise was free.

  • Jeff Lidstone

    Jeff Lidstone


    Corey, Eric and the rest of the crew are top notch. They have fantastic personal service and are amazingly knowledgeable. They helped me pick out my board and answered all my questions; they are very thorough. If you are looking for a skateboard or snowboard, these guys are the best in Ottawa, if not Canada.

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