Tokyo Shop de Ottawa

CanadaTokyo Shop



🕗 horaire

258, Elgin Street, K2P 1L9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 613-421-8466
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4180136, Longitude: -75.6908303

commentaires 5

  • Kerry Brammall

    Kerry Brammall


    Interesting kitchen gadgets and tools. Free tea and a nice selection of Pocky!

  • Nashira G

    Nashira G


    A great place to pick up little things like kitchen accessories and cute china! They also have a decent selection of Japanese snacks. Low prices for small items you can't really find anywhere else!

  • Sarah Finlayson

    Sarah Finlayson


    Such a cute shop, basically a Japanese dollar store, although most things are about $3. Mostly office supplies, housewares, personal items. Everything is so cute! And there's free tea when you walk in!

  • Dan Cote

    Dan Cote


    Ottawa's first Japanese dollar store. Located on Elgin st. Definitely check this place out, features a multitude of items not found at your run of the mill dollar store.

  • en

    Mister FujiXMan


    Cute little shop. If you want to find a little piece of Japan for your home, this is the place. Mostly household goods.

Magasin la plus proche

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