Tip Top Tailors de Sudbury

CanadaTip Top Tailors



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100 Donna Dr, Building D, Unit 5, Sudbury, ON P3B 4K5, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 705-566-6600
site web: www.tiptop.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.5039895, Longitude: -80.9398535

commentaires 5

  • adrien berthier

    adrien berthier


    good selection, sometimes you can get a really great deal here. A good choice for men's wear.

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    Mack White


    Honestly the best customer service I have received in a long time. I’m starting a new job, and I have never had to dress in business attire before, so my knowledge was very little. Sharon spent the better part of 3 hours helping get great deals, the right fit, and the right match. Good employees like this are hard to find! I ended up leaving with over $1500 in savings, and I am very pleased with my new wardrobe. Thank you Sharon, you’re amazing!

  • Linda Butler

    Linda Butler


    Great service. Helpful and courteous. Suit purchased fits perfectly.

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    Brandon Langevin


    Worst management of a retail store possible. Went to return my rental suit the Monday after a wedding. Employee didn't know how to complete the return properly and had me come back the next day. When I did, the same employee told me to wait as his manager was occupied. 15 minutes later I find out that POS was outside smoking. The manager "Micheal" then charged me late fees for not returning the suit the day before. Don't waste your time or money, the guy thinks he manages a Trump hotel. Go to Moore's! Better service bar none!

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    Rachel Fraser


    It was okay. The girl was helpful but I found the suit took a while to be made and the quality left something to be desired.

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