Tim Hortons de Milton

CanadaTim Hortons



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Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
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Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
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Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
900, Steeles Avenue East, L9T 5M6, Milton, Halton Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-878-1345
site web: locations.timhortons.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.5355741, Longitude: -79.8777884

commentaires 5

  • en

    Veronica Ghali


    Great service. Great food. Me and my family really enjoyed our stay there. I would suggest a bigger bathroom but other than that everything is great

  • en

    Brenda Hewlett


    I love Tim Hortons. I must admit the sandwiches are a bit boring. But I like everything else.

  • en

    reza vz


    The Best Tim Hortons in Milton. Fast and friendly staff, although is always busy at lunch time. Great Coffee and Tasty sandwiches.

  • Marcos Casadei

    Marcos Casadei


    I went to this store today and got kicked out by the owner who told me that I could not read my book in there. This happened after I had just bought my soup combo and 15 minutes in the store. The most ridiculous part was the approach used by the owner, Don, who told me in front of his employers that I should get out from the booth that I was sitting as other customers needed to sit and they help his business to pay his bills. All this while he pointed out to one of the pot lights of his business! Unfortunately, I thought he was joking and it took me a few minutes to realize and he was gone to inside of the store by then. I left right after, but I'll never come back with my family and I will make sure moving forward I'll share this with EVERYONE that I know in Milton as well as Tim Hortons HD. Maybe this is a consequence of the minimum wage increase and I truly hope these Tim's owners make less money than they actually have done in the past, pay their employees better and be more respectful with their customers. Due to Tim's flag these store owners take things as granted, but it needs to change.

  • en

    Para Witcher


    You've got me kidding!! It is only 10 20 am! An employee is cleaning up the return air vent near cashier. There are ducts over the floor!! What a joke!! Don't buy donuts there right now!!! Should clean up during the quiet night!

Café la plus proche

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