The UPS Store i Markham

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaThe UPS Store



🕗 åbningstider

7357, Woodbine Avenue, L3R 6L3, Markham, York Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-943-9114
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.8229973, Longitude: -79.3496689

kommentar 5

  • en

    Yaqoob Jamal


    Very rude staff. Received the wrong mail in my mailbox often, pretty sure I lost mail because of this

  • Richard Tang

    Richard Tang


    Emailed to print just ONE black and white sheet of paper... charged me $1.70! LOL damnnnn homey!!

  • Wendell Daniel

    Wendell Daniel


    I'd give no stars if I could, this is a horrible location, they are rude, more interested in surfing social media on their smart phones, feel they can talk down to people, and refuse to give customers (me) my delivered packages from Amazon. Lucky Amazon has excellent customer service, they sent me a replacement right away to another location, and because i'm a prime customer I will get it tomorrow.

  • Allan Tong

    Allan Tong


    Owner Mike was making calls (on the phone and making a new call) while I was dropping off shipment. He photocopy my waybill and attempted to ask me for 50 cents because of the photocopies he made. My packages were all labeled and did not need photocopies. He began to insinuate that if anything happens it wouldn't be their fault (because i didn't use the copies). I've been to other UPS stores that photocopy waybills without asking the customer for money. Ridiculous and totally rude and unprofessional. A 2mins dropoff became a 15min hassle.

  • en

    M G


    Great service. Great staff. Strange ever changing hours but the owner is very accommodating

nærmeste Butik

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