The UPS Store #232 de Ottawa

CanadaThe UPS Store #232



🕗 horaire

1500, Bank Street, K1H 1B8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 613-737-1188
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3805849, Longitude: -75.6703622

commentaires 5

  • en

    Norman Wu


    I visit this store very often and the staff there are extremely nice and helpful!

  • Sunny F

    Sunny F


    Both employees in helped me with an awkward shipment and made it fairly easy after an otherwise arduous process. Glad that they shipped quickly and that there were no problems. Thanks for your help!

  • en

    Ro Ung


    I was home waiting for my Amazon item. The delivery guy did not ring the bell, just put the notice sticker on door. I had to drive to the UPS store to pick-up. Awful service !

  • en

    Zakareya Alsedais


    I usually send my docs through this location. although i hate receiving things with ups cuz i have to travel to there store which is very far.

  • en



    Great service, made it simple and quick. Definitely my UPS store of choice in the city, by far.

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