The UPS Store de Hamilton

CanadaThe UPS Store



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1063, King Street West, L8S 4S3, Hamilton, Hamilton Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-528-6474
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.2610828, Longitude: -79.9074126

commentaires 5

  • en

    J Spring


    The best price for on the spot printing. The UPS store in my Westdale is my go-to spot when I need a quick, professional-quality proof. Knowledgable and firm, but kind staff.

  • Duane Tucker

    Duane Tucker


    Dreadful service. I waited all day for a package, only to find a note on my mail box saying : SORRY WE MISSED YOU. Thanks so much for taking 2 seconds to buzz me.

  • en

    Lisa Velker


    Just got off the phone and I am far from impressed with the customer service. I wanted to have this store pack and ship one of my business products to calagary. The mans lack of information and attitude was a huge thumbs down. Giving an answer, we should be able to pack it, doesn’t leave me feeling confident.

  • en

    Alan Gou


    Experienced poor customer service. Didn't allow me to see the size of the poster I wanted to print. The lady working there didn't seem interested in helping me and hardly communicated with me. Her attitude made it difficult to get the product to my satisfaction. I hope that the atmosphere around there improves or I will not be coming back anytime soon.

  • Mike Rozon

    Mike Rozon


    Had laminated several certificates. The lady had cut the excess plastic/laminate by hand. The laminate is coming undone. Had the same service at Staples and those laminates are still going strong. She also had to copy my certificates 5 times over to scale them. Contacted customer service about the issue, by email. No reply. Won't be going back to this store.

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