The Source de Fort McMurray

CanadaThe Source



🕗 horaire

9713, Hardin Street, T9H 1L2, Fort McMurray, Division No. 16, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 844-763-0636
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 56.7249, Longitude: -111.3780269

commentaires 5

  • Landry Mike

    Landry Mike


    Some of the worst customer service I have ever experienced. The employee that was "helping" me try to return a defective product made it seem like I was trying to take from him directly. So in frustration I settled for an exchange. I wouldn't recommend this store but seeing as it's one of the only tech place in the area it makes it difficult. Never shopping here again.

  • Hey You

    Hey You


    everything you need for electronics

  • Andre Lambert

    Andre Lambert


    Typical Source...

  • Eric w

    Eric w


    Gerry and his staff are always incredibly helpful. Its great to have a locally owned and operated electronics shop in Fort McMurray

  • Melanie Galea

    Melanie Galea


    Gerry and his staff are fantastic. So helpful. I love that I can shop local! They even sell and install Ghost Armour for my phone and iPad. The best service! Thank you!

Magasin d'électronique la plus proche

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